Saturday, March 7, 2009


christians are supposedly the cruel, intolerant ones who make fun of everyone's religions. but who are the ones who for the most part, stand against abortion? who started some of the world's largest humanitarian organizations in the world? who preaches about loving your enemies, and not loving material things? the whole hippy thing about love and stuff was God's idea first, and that's who we answer to, so where do they get these ideas? its sort of confusing really.


i just finished reading a book about spiritual warfare called 'this present darkness.' in it, the people who were possessed by demons were alost all into new agey weirdness. today, my mom had to buy some sort of supplements,so we went to some homeopathic solution kind of store. when we walked in, guess what was on display all over the place? you guessed it, creepy new agey stuff. there were crystals, and inscence burners, among other things, and even a poster advertising a video camera with which you could see a picture of your 'aura.' on the wall, there was a little pad that you could put underneath your laptop to keep it from 'draining your spiritual energy.' there was a rack holding stones that would supposedly have different effects on you, including a 'self healing' stone. on one shelf, they evehad a crystal ball. no joke. (it wasnt actually for fortune telling, it had a light inside and was supposed to relax you or something. but still...) it was, needless to say, a little bit scary...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

i recently read a little blurb at the bottom of an article. it said somthing like this. 'a woman walked into a dark room at the zoo which housed many nocturnal creatures. as soon as the door shut and the little sliver of light went away, a tiny hand latched onto hers. suprised, she asked, ' who do you belong to?' the tiny boy replied, 'i'm yours until the lights come back on.'
is this the attitude that we usually have toward God? do we run to Him when life gets dark, but run back to the world when the lights come back on?

think about it.

the word

They say that red is the hardest color to read from your eye's standpoint. Is it really just a coincidence that red is the color that the words of the Christ are written in?

tell me what you think...